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Athletic Clearance

Requirements for Participation in SMUHSD Athletics


All Athletic Packets from the 2023-2024 school year expired on May 30, 2024!

Parents/guardians can complete the Athletic Packet for all 2024-2025 sports seasons (summer and fall 2024, winter and spring 2025) by going to your school's SportsNet site listed below.

First-time users will need to create an account (you must have your student’s Identification Number to create an account; incoming students will receive their Student Identification Numbers from the District Office in their Data Confirmation Letter). Returning users should enter their previously selected username (email) and password to log-in. Each student can only have one account. After the packet is completed and submitted, a confirmation email will be sent from SportsNet.

1. Parent/guardian must complete online athletic clearance forms on SportsNet. 

Clearance forms must be completed once every school year.

2. Students must have a current physical form (signed by their physician) on file at the Health Office. Physical forms expire one year from the date of examination!

Families who are unable to pay for these exams should also speak to their school's Health Aide. 

Important Things to Note

  • For new students, student identification numbers are located in the Student Data Confirmation letter sent by the District.
  • Verify that the date of examination, physician signature and stamp are on the physical form. Physician must be MD, DO, PA or NP.
  • Returning athletes do not need to re-submit their physical form if it is not expired.
  • Paper forms may be submitted to your school’s Health Office although electronic submission of forms is highly encouraged.
  • Students must be cleared through SportsNet before they can participate in Athletics!


If you have questions regarding SportsNet, medical clearance or if you are unable to pay for these exams, please contact your school's Health Aide.