Current Solicitations for Goods & Services
Bid # 25-001 SMUHSD Emergency Preparedness Supplies
- Description - This public bid is to pre-qualify a vendor to procure and deliver emergency preparedness supplies for the District across 11 different sites and locations.
- Category - Goods
- Location - San Mateo, CA
- Closing Deadline - 1/24/2025, 2:00 pm PST
Schedule of Events
- Public Bid Released (1st Advertisement) : 1/6/2025
- 2nd Advertisement :1/13/2025
- Deadline to Submit Questions: 1/15/2025
- Deadline for District Responses: 1/17/2025
- Bid Submittal Deadline: 1/24/2025
- Board's Award of Contract: 2/13/2025
Bid Document
*Any questions regarding this notice should be directed to