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Measures M and O

Bond Measures M and O

For the past 20 years, SMUHSD has systematically renovated our aging schools and has constructed new facilities to provide the best learning environment for our students. We are truly grateful for the generous support of voters who approved Measures M and O to fund these capital facilities projects. 

Measure M, approved in 2006, funded major construction projects including eight performing arts centers. It also allowed for swimming pool replacement at Aragon, Capuchino, Hillsdale and Mills High Schools. The new 50 meter swimming pool at Burlingame High is being funded in part by Measure M. 

Measure O, approved in 2010, funded a new science building at Hillsdale, a new two-story classroom at Burlingame, stadium lights and sound systems across the District, some technology replenishment and the Peninsula High School. 

Additionally these bonds funded renovations to and construction of career technical, general and special education classrooms, kitchens, cafeterias, gyms, locker rooms, upgrades to HVAC systems across the District and Columbine locks at schools across the District. 

The District is grateful for the support of its voters and taxpayers who made these improvements possible.