Burlingame Facilities Updates
Burlingame Facilities Updates
Measure M Projects at Burlingame High School
Completed projects
- Modernized small and large gym and locker room renovation
- Career Technology Education -- Industrial Arts Building (matching funds grant)
- Stadium field artificial turf replacement
- Stadium field restrooms
- Columbine locks installed
- Theatre renovation
- Solar panels installed
- Replace swimming pool pump
- Bleacher replacement
- New gym lobby
- Kitchen and cafeteria renovation
- New two-story classroom building (Four Special Education classrooms, two CTE classrooms)
- New stadium field audio system
Measure O Projects at Burlingame High School
Completed projects
- New two story classroom building (4 special education classrooms, 2 CTE classrooms)
- New stadium field audio system
Projects underway
- New 50 meter swimming pool - Scheduled to open in January 2020
- Ten-year technology hardware upgrade, eight years have been completed