Instructional Priorities
In the San Mateo Union High School District, we believe in Excellence and Equity, which we define as all students having authentic access to a rigorous and relevant academic experience grounded in schools and a district that are culturally responsive. In working to support the achievement of all students, our district provides a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) that ensures that all students receive the academic and social emotional support they need to graduate ready for college and careers in an ever-increasingly competitive and multicultural society.
We have aligned these efforts to the measurable outcomes in our Local Control Accountability Plan. This MTSS is built on positive student-teacher relationships and grounded in an intentional instructional practice that attends to the language and literacy needs of all students, effectively leverages technology to support the personalization of learning, and successfully differentiates for the needs of diverse learners in the “least restrictive classroom environment.”
The Curriculum and Assessment Office and Curriculum Coordinators, in collaboration and coordination with site instructional leadership, work to support the continuous improvement of teaching practice that reflects these district teaching and learning priorities. We are focused on and investing in the following best practices to support this vision.