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New Teacher Program

New Teacher Program

The New Teacher Program is for new and newly-hired certificated staff.

What is the New Teacher Program?

All teachers newly hired with the San Mateo Union High School District (SMUHSD) will be enrolled in the New Teacher Program (NTP). NTP is a mandatory program that includes new teacher orientation before the school year starts. Throughout the year new teachers will engage in equity focused professional learning sessions that include culturally responsive teaching, academic literacy support, and educational technology tools. Newly hired teachers will also receive ongoing support from a site based or credentialed matched Instructional Coach. 

New Teacher Program with an Instructional Coach Mentor  

This program is designed for teachers new to the profession or participating in induction who are assigned a site or subject area -based Instructional Coach Mentor. Every first or second-year teacher new to the profession will be provided with a Mentor until they have cleared their preliminary teaching credential. The instructional coach mentor supports teachers in an Induction Program, where teachers clear their preliminary credential. New teachers will meet their mentor within the first two weeks of the school year. All newly hired teachers that have recently earned a preliminary credential are required to enroll in a Teacher Induction Program to earn a clear, professional credential. 

New Teacher Program with an Instructional Coach

This parallel program is designed for teachers with previous teaching experience. Their NTP program is managed by their school site principal and the District Professional Development Coordinator. They will be working with an Instructional Coach during their first two years in the district. 

Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and Compensation

  • Teachers are eligible to receive CEUs for their participation in the New Teacher Program.
  • 30 hours = 3 CEUs or 2 semester units on the SMUHSD salary schedule.
  • CEUs must be paid for, and are arranged through a partner university

Workshops offered through the New teacher Program

Culturally Responsive Teaching - An Introduction 

This workshop series is an introduction to the principles of culturally responsive teaching, a cornerstone in developing teaching practices that support equitable student learning experiences and outcomes.  

Learning Outcomes

  • Define culturally relevant teaching and incorporate effective practices in their own classrooms.
  • Understand the difference between equity and equality, and use district data identify key student groups 
  • Examine the impact of stereotypes on student learning, and explore ways to reduce stereotype threat.
  • Engage in discourse about the role of privilege in shaping our perceptions, expectations and judgments, and its impact on equity in the classroom.
  • Explore mindset theory and its implications for teaching and learning.

Academic Literacy Support in the Content Area- An Introduction

This workshop series focuses on the use of specific supports for incorporating reading, writing and structured student academic discourse strategies in differing content area classrooms. The strategies are designed to help meet the needs of English language learners, and all learners in need of additional support in acquiring academic language skills. 

Learning Outcomes

  • Explore and engage in the use of tools for explicitly teaching language functions and providing language supports while learning academically rigorous content. 
  • Investigate data with respect to English Language Learner and Long Term English Language Learner academic achievement, explore student rosters and classroom data, and reflect on meeting the academic language needs of students in their classrooms. . 
  • Design lessons that incorporate these strategies and tools, focusing on backwards design and gradual release of responsibility. 

Equitable Grading and Feedback Practices for  Student Learning

In this workshop, we will explore how grading practices impact student learning, look at the historical cultural context of grading, and explore options to achieve greater equity in our grading practices. 

Learning Outcomes

  • Origin and purpose of traditional grading practices.
  • Science of learning and motivation
  • Understanding the impact of averages and zeros
  • Explore grading practices and models that support equity

Educational Technology   

This workshop series begins with a focus on utilizing the SMUHSD learning management system (Canvas) and student information system (Aeries) to ensure teachers know how to set up courses and find essential student information. Follow up workshops focus on equity and anti-racist based practices that leverage educational technology to address diverse learning needs. 

Workshop Topics

  • Getting started with Canvas and Aries
  • Course Design Principles to Support Learner Variability
  • Leveraging Ed Tech Tools to Support Learner Variability 
  • Ed Tech Tools for Feedback and Formative Assessment 

New Teacher Program Requirements: 2020-2021


Newly hired certificated staff attend three days of orientation in order to

  • Build community and connect with district resources and staff 
  • Distribute laptops, ensure login and account information is appropriately set up
  • Introduction to key technology platforms and resources to get started
  • Overview of your professional responsibilities with SMUHSDTA representatives.
  • Orientation to the employee evaluation and instructional coaching program

New Teacher Support Program Workshops

As a part of the new teacher program, a series of workshops are offered to familiarize new hires with SMUHSDs areas of instructional priority. New hires need to complete one of the three focus areas, but are encouraged to attend any and all workshops offered. 

Focus Area 1: Creating equitable classroom structures and planning for student engagement and participation

Focus Area 2: Designing equitable and rigorous learning experiences for all students

Focus Area 3: Equitable feedback, assessment and grading practices that support student growth and learning for all students. 

Evaluation and Instructional Coaching

All teachers in their first and second year with SMUHSD will engage in the evaluation process. Teachers employed at 0.6 FTE or higher are assigned an instructional coach. The instructional coach engages with teachers in 5 reflection and growth oriented coaching cycles throughout the year, helping capture evidence of growth towards SMARTE goals and the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTPs). 

How do I complete the NTP?

For Teachers with Previous Teaching Experience

  • Attend Orientation
  • Complete one professional learning focus area.
  • Participate fully in the evaluation and instructional coaching program
    • Demonstrate satisfactory performance through formal observations with District and site Administrators
    •  Demonstrate commitment to professional growth by responding to suggestions/recommendations made by coach or principal
  • Advance to Probationary 1 or 2 status by principal recommendation
  • Demonstrate readiness to be exited from program by principal recommendation

For Teachers New to the Profession

  • Attend Orientation
  • Complete one professional learning focus area.
  • Participate fully in the evaluation and instructional coaching program
    • Demonstrate growth through formal observations with district and site administrators
    • Demonstrate commitment to professional growth by responding to suggestions/recommendations made by coach or principal
  • Complete the Induction Program and file clear credential application with CTC by the end of the 2nd year
  • Advance to Probationary 1 or 2 status by principal recommendation
  • Demonstrate readiness to be exited from program by principal recommendation


Drawing of light bulbs with education concepts in each bulb


Sabbie Hopkins
Professional Development & Induction Coordinator

Brian Williams
Credential Analyst