Wellness Policy & Nutrition
Wellness Policy
Our District has developed a Wellness Policy that is focused on improving the health of students. The policy was developed by the health and wellness advisory council that includes teachers, parents, administrators, and the district nurse.
One of our goals is to share the message of nutrition and wellness via our department's Web site that emphasizes the importance of nutrition and fitness. Our site provides information on the nutrition and fitness for teachers, parents, and students, as well as, a variety of learning tools.
Balance is essential for any Wellness Policy. Key areas include:
- Nutrition Education
- Physical activity
- Other school-based activities that are designed to promote student wellness
Nutrition & Fitness
The winning recipe for a healthy lifestyle includes a combination of both good nutrition and physical activity. Your body needs a variety of nutrient rich foods to grow and prevent illness. And your body also needs to move and exercise every day.
Key things you need to know about leading a healthy lifestyle are:
- Eat a healthy diet that includes fruits, vegetables and whole grain products
- Control portion sizes and never "supersize"
- Get active for at least 60 minutes, five times a week for ages 6-18
- Avoid tobacco and illegal drugs all together
Well-nourished students have higher test scores, increased school attendance, improved concentration, and improved classroom behavior. Students, who are physically fit, sleep better and are better able to handle the physical and emotional challenges that they encounter during the day.
Smart Snacks in Schools