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Home Hospital

The San Mateo Union High School District Home and Hospital Instruction Program provides on-going academic instruction to students with a temporary disability which makes school attendance impossible or inadvisable. Students who apply for Home and Hospital Instruction shall receive individual instruction in the student's home, an alternate location, or in a hospital or other residential health facility, excluding state hospitals. This instruction applies to students incurring a physical, mental, or emotional disability after which they can reasonably be expected to return to regular day classes or an alternative education program without special intervention. Students receiving home or hospital instruction are not eligible to attend the regular day classes while assigned to Home and Hospital Instruction.

The program does not operate over the summer. The program may not be able to support students who are taking certain elective classes, such as world language, lab sciences, physical education, auto shop, or any other subjects requiring hands-on instruction.

Home and Hospital Instruction is, by definition, a temporary program and is not provided for extended periods of time or in lieu of school attendance. The SMUHSD Assistant Director of Special Education oversees the program by receiving requests from the student's comprehensive high school, monitors the appropriateness of the requests, and works with the Home and Hospital Instruction Tutor and comprehensive high school sites to provide attendance information.

JeNora Lewis, MTSS/504 Coordinator