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Work Permits

If you are under 18 and need a NEW Work Permit OR if you are RENEWING your Work Permit, please read the directions below: 

To obtain a work permit: 

    1. Download, Print and Complete the B1-1 Request for Work Permit document. 
      • Students fill out the minor's information and school section.
      • A parent or guardian must read and sign their section.
      • The employer fills out and signs their section.
    2. When the application is complete, please bring it to your school office.
      • If you are a private school student, please call 650-558-2253 to make an appointment.

Please make sure the form is complete with all required signatures in order to avoid delays.  

Sign that says: Work Permit

Know Your Rights

Download the Know Your Rights Flyer, which include information on minimum wage, tips, sick leave, breaks and more, in the following languages:

Learn more from the UC Berkeley Labor Center.