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Property Overview

Property Overview

The Crestmoor Property is an irregularly shaped parcel of approximately 40-acres  with 25+/- acres of developable land. It is located at 300 Piedmont Avenue in San Bruno (APN 019-170-020). The site is bound by residential subdivisions on the north, west and southwest; a church near the northeast corner and a slope to Interstate Highway 280 to the east. Most of the surrounding area is residential, with San Mateo County Junipero Serra Park to the southeast and San Andreas Lake/Reservoir and open undeveloped land owned by San Francisco Public Utilities Commission to the southwest. The Property has vehicular access from Courtland Drive. 

The Property is currently zoned Single Family Residential R-1. According to the San Bruno Municipal Code, the purpose of the R-1 District is, “to encourage the development of low-density residential uses. This type of density is usually associated with single family structures. However, uses related to single family residences, such as schools, churches and child care centers may be permitted in the R-1 district by use permit or planned use permit under Chapter 12.116. Innovation in development of clustered housing, open space and other amenities which make for a more desirable living environment.”