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File a Complaint

Visit the pages below to find out how to file a complaint:

Title IX

Williams Uniform Complaint Forms: English | Spanish | Chinese

Uniform Complaint: English  |   Spanish   |  Chinese

Employment Discrimination/Harassment/Retaliation Complaint Form - Internal Complaint System

Complaint Concerning a District Employee


StopIt Anonymous Reporting App
StopIt logo

Report a safety concern online through StopIt - an anonymous reporting tool or download the app:


School StopIt Access Codes

Aragon High School: aragondons

Bridge Academy: bridgeacademy

Burlingame High School: burlingamepanthers

Capuchino High School: chsmustangs

Hillsdale High School: hhsknights

Middle College: smuhsdmidcol

Mills High School: mhsvikings

Peninsula High School: phspumas

San Mateo High School: smhsbearcats

San Mateo Adult and Career: smadultcareer