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School Locator and Boundaries

Boundaries Board Policy

Board Policy 5116

The Board of Trustees shall establish school attendance boundaries in order to maximize the efficient use of district facilities and effective administration of district schools. The Superintendent or designee shall periodically review school attendance boundaries and, as necessary, make recommendations to the Board for boundary adjustments.

When reviewing school attendance boundaries, the Superintendent or designee may consider the following factors to ensure boundaries align with approved facility capacity:

  1. School enrollment data
  2. Facility capacity and design, including potential commercial and residential developments
  3. School feeder patterns
  4. Federal, state, or court mandates
  5. Community input
  6. Student safety
  7. Transportation capacity
  8. Community and neighborhood identity
  9. Geographic features of the district

School Locator

To find out the high school based upon an address, click on "School Locator"
