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State Seal of Biliteracy

State Seal of Biliteracy

The State Seal of Biliteracy (SSB), marked by a gold seal on the diploma or transcript, recognizes high school graduates who have attained a high level of proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing one or more languages in addition to English.

Updates for the 2023–24 School Year

Assembly Bill 370 was signed by Governor Newsom on October 7, 2023. Please visit the California Department of Education's website for more information about these new requirements that go into effect January 1, 2024:


Earn Your California State Seal of Biliteracy

Spanish  | Chinese

What: This state seal is a prestigious award on high school diplomas to recognize student proficiency in two or more world languages.

Why: Multilingual mastery enables strong communication across diverse communities and is a valued skill for college, career, and lifelong success. 

Who: All graduating high school students who meet literacy, fluency, and GPA criteria in two or more world languages, including English. 

How: Talk to your academic counselor or principal to plan your biliteracy pathway. 


Gane Su Sello de Bilingüismo de California

Qué: Este sello estatal es un premio prestigioso en el diploma de preparatoria para reconocer la pericia estudiantil en dos o más idiomas del mundo.

Porqué: El dominio multilingüe permite una comunicación sólida en diversas comunidades y es una habilidad valiosa para el éxito universitario, profesional y de por vida.

Quien: Todos los estudiantes que se gradúan de la escuela preparatoria que cumplen con los criterios de alfabetización, fluidez y GPA en dos o más idiomas del mundo, incluido el inglés.

Cómo: Hable con su consejero académico o director para ver si califica.



什麼: 這個加州印章是高中畢業文憑上的一項殊榮,確認學生有雙語或更多的世界語言能力及達到熟 練水平 。 

為什麼: 精通多種語言,可以在各個社區之間進行強大的溝通,並且是大學職業和終身成功的寶貴技能。 

誰人: 所有應屆高中生在兩種或以上的世界語言(包括英語)的讀寫,流暢和GPA(成績平均分)達到標準的要求。

如何: 與您的學術顧問導師或校長會談,計劃您的雙語路徑。