College and Career Readiness
Freshman Year (9th Grade)
Freshman year is important. A successful transition to high school life can be an important indicator of future success. The theme for freshmen year is Who Am I? Academic planning, career exploration, adjustment to the role of a young high school adult, and involvement in school events are the areas of concentration for the incoming high school student.
The profile of a successful freshman student includes the following:
- Understanding of graduation requirements, the importance of a high school transcript, GPA, grading periods (semesters), and A-G requirements
- Understanding of support systems and/or resources offered
- Understanding of athletics/activities offered
- Understanding of the benefits of participating in community service
- Understanding of electives offered as it relates to career pathways
- Participation in grade-level tasks as part of college and career readiness curriculum
- Ability to set realistic, future goals for post-secondary success
Sophomore Year (10th Grade)
Sophomores move from the adjustment phase of freshman year to a deeper understanding of the high school system and their role in post-secondary planning. The theme for sophomore year is Career Exploration with the focus on personal strengths, skills and interests. Sophomores will explore post-secondary options as it relates to personal career pathways. Continuing to build a strong GPA/class rank and taking rigorous courses is encouraged
The profile of a successful sophomore includes the following:
- Understanding of Dual Credit and AP courses and their relationship to college credit
- Identifying electives offered as it relates to personal career pathways
- Understanding and utilization of support systems and resources offered
- Explore and identify educational requirements of different careers
- Explore post-secondary options and definitions
- Participation in athletics and/or extracurricular activities encouraged
- Understanding of the benefits of participating in community service
- Participation in grade-level tasks as part of college and career readiness curriculum
- Ability to set realistic, future goals for post-secondary success
Junior Year (11th Grade)
Junior year is a significant year. For many students, the balance of managing courses, preparing for college exams, and college planning activities can be a challenge. This year, there continues to be an emphasis on the importance of GPA/class rank and taking rigorous courses while heightening opportunities to facilitate post-secondary decision-making and planning. The theme for junior year is Action Plan Development. This process includes guiding students to seek relative and current information pertaining to their post-secondary options (2-year college, 4-year college, military, technical/trade school or work).
The profile of a successful junior student includes:
- Consider enrollment in dual credit/AP courses
- Understand entrance requirements, deadlines, and admission process for post-secondary options
- Understand the Naviance "college" tab and related Naviance features
- Identify potential career and educational options
- Identifying electives offered as it relates to personal career pathways
- Understanding and utilization of support systems/resources offered
- Continued participation in athletics or extracurricular activities encouraged
- Participation in community service or work experience is encouraged
- Participation in grade-level tasks, as part of college and career readiness curriculum
- Ability to set realistic, future goals for post-secondary success
Senior Year (12th Grade)
Senior year is an exciting year, as students prepare to transition for life after high school. The theme for senior year is Execution of Action Plan. It is important for students to continue strong study habits in order to maintain a solid GPA and class rank and continue to take challenging courses in order to best prepare for post-secondary options. Seniors should review progress towards graduation, address any concerns, follow through with procedures needed for implementation of post-secondary plan; this includes understanding of application process, meeting deadlines for college admissions, NCAA, scholarships, testing, and financial aid. This is a reflective time as students can now look back on how they have matured, but there is still work to be done as students prepare for the next phase of their life.
The profile of a successful senior includes:
- Enrollment in Dual Credit and AP courses
- Discussion and evaluation of post-secondary plans
- Apply for scholarship opportunities
- Apply and adhere to deadlines for post-secondary education
- Complete FASFA or Dream Act and understand available resources
- Understand transcript request process
- Understanding and utilization of support systems and resources offered
- Continued participation in athletics and extracurricular activities offered
- Participation in community service or work experience encouraged
- Participation in grade-level tasks as part of college and career readiness curriculum
- Ability to set realistic, future goals for post-secondary success