Overview of Career Technical Education Programs (CTE)
In Career and Technical Education courses, students gain real-world experience through hands-on projects that combine rigorous academics with industry-specific technical skills. The curriculum integrates work-based learning opportunities such as guest speakers, field trips, and job shadowing to expose students to a variety of career options. Through projects developed with industry partners, students gain the communication, collaboration, critical thinking and problem-solving skills that will ensure their success in any future career.
SMUHSD offers multi-year Career and Technical Education pathways in a wide range of industry sectors. These pathways prepare students for postsecondary education and entry into a career. Career and Technical Education Teachers partner with industry representatives and engage in ongoing professional development in order to ensure that our curriculum is up-to-date and reflects the latest trends in industry.
CTE Contacts
District College and Career Readiness Coordinator
Lisa Laux
District CTE Content Lead:
Shannon Couch
CTE Pathway Contacts:
Arts Media & Entertainment: Nicholas Carrillo
Building and Construction Trades: Alena Reyes
Engineering & Architecture: Alena Reyes
Fashion and Interior Design: Melissa Perino
Green Energy: Alena Reyes
Hospitality, Tourism, & Recreation: Michele Casale
Health Science & Medical Technology: Jimmy Ikeda
Information and Communication Technologies: Anne Pesquie