File a Complaint
Visit the pages below to find out how to file a complaint:
Uniform Complaint: English | Spanish | Chinese
Employment Discrimination/Harassment/Retaliation Complaint Form - Internal Complaint System
Complaint Concerning a District Employee
Any person may submit a complaint regarding an employee of the San Mateo Union High School District which the District will resolve impartially, expeditiously, and with minimal disruption to district operations and the education program. This complaint procedure follows Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 1312.1. The District reserves the right to resolve this complaint through other district procedures if deemed more appropriate, including: Title IX; Uniform Complaint Procedures; or Board Policy/ Administrative Regulation 4030 .
Challenge Your Student's Record
A dispute review regarding the accuracy of a student’s educational records can be initiated through the Student Record Challenge process. Before submitting a request for a Student Records Challenge, please read Administrative Regulation 5125.3 – Challenging Student Records and ensure that the dispute is covered under this District regulation.
San Mateo Union High School District Title IX Coordinators
District Coordinators
Kirk Black, Deputy Superintendent of Human Resources & Student Services
Valerie Arbizu, Interim Director of Student Services
District Office Address: 650 N. Delaware St. San Mateo, CA 94401
School Site Coordinators
Aragon: Shannon Lane, Assistant Principal
Burlingame: Aimee Malcolm, Assistant Principal
Bridge Academy: Samia Shoman, Principal
Capuchino: Mauricio Rodriguez and Michalis Gordon, Assistant Principals
Hillsdale: Jeff Gilbert, Principal; Jesse Boise, Ashley Milton, Sarah Prensky-Pomeranz, Assistant Principals
Middle College: Ron Campana, Principal
Mills: Pam Duszynski, Principal; Jonathan White, Deyango Harris, Assistant Principals
Peninsula: Ron Campana, Principal
San Mateo: 9/11 grades: Gary Hong, Assistant Principal; 10/12 grades: Mike Holtz, Assistant Principal; ML students: Lauren Ponti, Assistant Principal